Monday, September 8, 2014

You're A Gem

Reposted from former blog, Just Add Sparkles.

Is it just me or is everyone obsessed with gold right now? I mean I'm totally right there with you, I just wish I was a little more original with my obsessions.

But what gets me even more than just gold is glittery gold. Oh yeah, it just hits the spot.

I basically drool when I see things like this. . . .

or this . . . 

Or this . . . 

And this. 

 Oh and one more . . . I can't even begin to explain how much I want this watch. There simply are no words.

But sadly I'm not made of money . . . if you are, you can buy it  here. 

• • •

I could keep on going but for your sake I'll chill out and move on. . . . Move on to my other current obsession of course. 

Geometric patterns/designs.

We're talking gems, or any geometric art. And yes I am going to show you some of my favs . . . 

Cred. (BTW this is one of my FAVORITE bloggers.)

• • •

Okay, so you get the point.

Basically I want you to understand the inspiration behind this wall art. I combined my love for glittery gold and "geometric-ness."

It's a simple canvas art. To start I created my design on the computer and then printed it out. 

Print. Cut. Trace. Paint. That's all you do. 

Glitter was a must.

Before I added the glitter I painted the gem shape a yellow color as a base. 

Now I guess it's been a long time since I've done a good old fashion glitter project because I had no Elmer's glue. So what does one do without Elmer's glue? (Someone that is too lazy to go to the store.) They find clear nail polish. So instead of glue I made the glitter stick with nail polish.

I enjoy glitter. A lot. 

After I dumped all the excess glitter back into the bottle I followed up with a top coat of clear nail polish as well. 

And BA-DA-BOOM I was done. 

Although my husband thinks it's way too girly to hang in a house where he has to live I'm totally hanging it in my . . . uhh, I mean . . our office. 

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