Monday, September 8, 2014

Fabric Flowers

Reposted from former blog, Just Add Sparkles.

These flowers are seriously some of the easiest to make. And there is room for a lot of variation and experimentation - which I always love to do. All that they require is a running stitch and a glue gun. 

Although the title says "fabric" flowers I also used ribbon for some of these. First let's talk about ways you can cut your fabric. 

Start by taking a long strip of fabric (the length of the strip really depends on how full you want the flower to be) and cut it in any of the ways listed above. They all have a slightly different outcome.

I'm going to show you an example of the running stitch down the middle since that is the most difficult - and by difficult I mean it has one more step than the others.

So if I haven't said it enough - this is a running stitch. You need to do it for the length of your fabric or ribbon. Make sure you tie a knot on the end of the thread. (In the image above I'm using wired ribbon.)

Once you have that done pull on the thread to scrunch up your fabric. Like this . . . .

Now the only thing you're going to do differently with a middle stitch is fold the fabric in half at the line of the stitch. (With a side stitch there is no folding.)

Now moving on. Let's get your glue gun fired up. Take your scrunched up fabric on one end (the skinny end if you cut it slanted) and start twisting it around itself glueing as you go. 

The way you glue it effects the look of the flower, so keep an eye on how your flower is looking from the front side.

With this flower I'm moving the fabric outward as I glue, making the flower wider but not as pouffy. 

With this flower I'm keeping the fabric tight as I wrap it around, this makes the flower not at wide but gives it a little extra height. 

Again, this is one of those crafts that you can just play with. Experiment with widths, cuts, fabrics, glueing methods, etc. And come up with something that is your own original. 

So start making your own flowers and stay tuned to see what I did with mine.


 photo pin-it_zps32b20063.png

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