Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Catching Up

Now that I have the most adorable & kissable baby ever I need somewhere to share all the millions of pictures I take of him. So I've been working on putting this blog together. I've taken past posts that I didn't want to lose from a former blog and before I get to talking about baby Trey non-stop I wanted to catch up on a few other things.

Like sharing these photos I took of another adorable baby a few months ago. Our good friends Cameron & Ashley Owen have a 10 month old - baby Eli - and I had the opportunity to take his photos.

Isn't he the cutest?

Also I have realized that I LOVE taking pictures of babies. It's just so rewarding to capture such cuteness on camera. I love the candid aspect of it too, you never know what expression you're going to catch. So I find myself asking friends if I can take pictures of their kids. Luckily, it's not creepy because we're friends. At least I hope so.

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