Monday, September 8, 2014

Chocolate Chip Cookies: A Knowles Family Recipe

Repost from former blog, Just Add Sparkles.

I am about to give you the most wonderful chocolate chip recipe you have ever had. Be prepared, this is cookie deliciousness to an exact science so you will need to follow directions very closely.

I was taught this magical cookie making recipe by my aunt and uncle - Rex and Denise Knowles. They are the ones who crafted it and perfected it. So you have them to thank. And you should thank them because these are MELT IN YOUR MOUTH ooey gooey cookies that are simply divine.

Have I talked them up enough? Now let me prove to you that they are the best.

Preheat your oven to 375.

First add these ingredients into your mixer . . . 
1/2 C Butter flavored shortening
1/2 C Butter
1/2 C Sugar
3/4 C Brown sugar
Now cream together until light and fluffy.

Then beat in . . . 
1 tsp Vanilla
1 Egg
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Baking Soda

Next you're going to add the flour but listen closely this is important for cookie perfection. 
Before you scoop up your flour you need to "fluff it up" or sift it. You can do that by scooping up the flour with your measuring cup and sprinkling it back in the bag/container. Do that several times before you scoop up the flour to add to your dough. 

Add . . . 
2 C + 2 T Flour
And BARELY blend it in. Seriously only let the mixer go around a few times and then stop it. 

Then add . . . 
2 C Chocolate Chips
Then mix it only a few times around until everything is just barely mixed together. Over mixing the flour will make your cookies less than perfection. And you don't want that. 

Put the dough on a greased cookie sheet and pop it in the oven. Set the timer for 8 minutes. 

Once the timer goes off, leisurely walk over to the oven to get them out. This is all a part of the science. Trust me, the Knowles know what they're doing. Pull out the cookies and leave them on the cookie sheet for about a minute as they will continue to cook on there and firm up a bit. 

Then you can remove them from the cookie sheet and place them on a cooling rack. After that all you have to do is try and keep yourself from eating the whole batch. Of course they're best straight out of the oven - and that's science. Yum. 

The only thing that I ask is that when you save this recipe to your book of all time favorite recipes -because you will - you must title it "Knowles Family Chocolate Chip Cookies."


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