Thursday, September 25, 2014

Just Because

Life has obviously been a whirlwind since having Trey. Our lives have changed drastically and I feel like I'm just barely getting used to the adjustment. Which is why I'm finally posting about Trey. Just trying to catch up.

Really I just want to share some more pictures in this post. My mom took a lot while she was in town for his birth and they are definitely share-worthy. (But I think any picture of Trey is worth sharing.)

I love this picture of Trey and his daddy just chillin'.

This was when we put him in the car seat for the first time to take him home from the hospital.

Our house was basically a big party all the time with both of our families visiting. 

Trey was jaundice so they gave us a light that we had to put on him to help get rid of it.

We called him Bionic Baby.

Trey just grilling with his dad.

• • •

And here's a few more pics from the hospital.

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