Monday, September 22, 2014

Life Since Pregnancy

I just wanted to reflect on life since pregnancy. There are a lot of things I can enjoy again. Like . . .

Skinny Feet & the Existence of Ankles. 
Once my feet returned to their normal size I kept on admiring them and thinking about how good looking my feet are. Seriously, my feet are attractive. And I promise I don't have a foot fetish.

A Normal Bladder.
It was REALLY hard for me to run while pregnant because every time I did I felt like I was going to pee my pants. Just ask Noelle, who ran a 5K with me when I was 20 something weeks pregnant. We had to stop at a gas station during the middle of the race so I could go pee, and that still didn't really help. 

Being Able to Touch (or see) My Toes.
I can now enjoy trimming & painting my toenails, putting on my shoes & shaving my legs. All things that got really difficult towards the end of pregnancy.

Sleeping on my Stomach.
I missed it. And I'm glad I can sleep in whatever position I like now!

Intense Exercise. 
I love exercise. I really do. But working out while I was pregnant was not fun. Activities that used to be really simple became super tough while pregnant. It made me realize how important being in shape is to me because I missed it so much.

Normal Clothes.
No more maternity section! Hallelujah!

And lastly I've gained an appreciation for my pre-pregnancy body. I'm not trying to sound conceited or anything but I had a great body! It's funny how perspective changes things. Back then I could always find fault with myself. But now that I still don't fit back into my pre-pregnancy clothes I would kill to look like that again. 

I guess pregnancy made me appreciate things I totally took for granted. I mean who really thinks about being thankful for being able to touch your toes? :)

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