Monday, September 8, 2014


Reposted from former blog, Just Add Sparkles.

I'm pretty jealous that Noelle had such an awesome opportunity to go to Thailand, but then I really can't complain because while she was there I was relaxing in the Caribbean.

The hubs and I got to go on a cruise that left from Tampa and stopped in Cozumel Mexico, Belize, Roatan Honduras, and then the Cayman Islands. And it was fantastic. The weather was perfect and each port was beautiful.

So before our blog goes all Christmasy I need to share some of my adventures with you.

The first item of business once on the ship was to locate the soft serve ice cream. Check.
I ate so much ice cream, and every night at dinner I ordered the chocolate melting cake. HEAVEN, I'm telling you. I definitely came home fatter.

Ready for a picture overload? Good.

First stop: Cozumel.

We went snorkeling and then shopping in town. We bought the most souvenirs here and after it was all through I was exhausted. You are never alone in any shop, the owner is hovering over your shoulder convincing you to buy something he saw you glance at. Luckily Aaron is a pro bargainer and good at saying no.

Next stop: Belize

We went cave tubing here. Don't have any pictures to show because the Go Pro batteries ran out before we even reached the caves. It was a ton of fun though. And I had plenty of women calling at me to get my hair braided.

Third stop: Honduras


We rented a car and drove around the island with a tour guide. He told us what to stop and see. 

He took us to a beach where we could spy on these people getting their dolphin tour. It seemed a little sketch at first but then I got this shot and couldn't complain.

This was probably my favorite stop because it was unbelievably beautiful. The beaches, the trees, the tropical flowers.

Our tour guide was taking photos of us in front of this view and asked if we wanted to "have a moment" for the picture. He told us to kiss, I guess we were being boring just standing there smiling. 

Then we went on a monkey/bird tour. 

Playing with these monkeys was probably my top favorite thing that we did.

Lastly, we snorkeled. 

Last stop: Cayman Islands

This actually ties with Honduras as my favorite. The water was such a gorgeous blue. 

We went to Sting Ray City, which was SUPER cool. Seriously guys, if you ever find yourself in the Cayman Islands you NEED to go there. You take a boat out to this sand bar where there are TONS of sting rays swimming around. 

When I first hopped off the boat it was totally freaking. They are HUGE and brush up against you as they swim by. But after a little bit Aaron and I were swimming around with our Go Pro and goggles getting some great footage. 

We didn't get any pictures of the sting rays, so I'll have to go and take some stills of the video footage we have. 

And yes, I was the person that took photos of the cheesy photos that the cruise ship tries to sell to you for a bajillion dollars. Okay - not a bajillion but more than they should cost.

• • • 

While on the ship honestly, we took a lot of naps and kind of went to bed early most nights. Just after such full days of running around we got pretty tired. 

We did go to a ventriloquist show where the puppet said he had a crush on me and made me come up on stage so he could sing to me. Then Aaron was pulled up on stage to "be a puppet" and the ventriloquist talked for him as he moved his mouth. The rest of the week people on the ship kept on coming up to him telling him how funny he was and that they thought he was a part of the act. We were basically like celebrities. ;)

My favorite part about being on the ship was always coming back to a clean room with a towel animal waiting for us.

And the formal nights were pretty fun too.

So that's it! Sorry for the very long post but there was just too much to share! 

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