Monday, September 8, 2014

DIY Chalkboard Tray

Reposted from former blog, Just Add Sparkles.

We're going to make this chalkboard tray today, excited? Good.

I really love simple & quick projects and this project fits that description.

Plus you don't need a lot of materials either. You'll need a cupboard door for your tray, some painters tape, chalkboard spray paint, drawer handles, and a drill.

I found these handles at Home Depot for about 3 bucks each.

First what you want to do is find a place where you're allowed to spray paint . . .

I say "allowed" because my husband banished me to our garage to spray paint from now on because I accidentally got some pink paint on the porch. Opps! Since we live in a condo I have to walk down three flights of stairs and across the parking lot to get to our garage. You might think I'm being a little dramatic BUT this means I can no longer spray paint when inspiration strikes late at night under the dim porch light. *Sigh* I'm going to miss those nights.

But let's stop talking about my first world problems and move on to the next step!

Tape off the edges of your cupboard door and start spray painting. I put on three coats just to be safe.

Once everything dries and you take off the tape flip the board over to measure and mark where you'd like the handles. Take your drill and make a hole through your marks and then screw in those handles.

Next "condition" the chalkboard part of the tray. You do that by rubbing the side of a piece of chalk all over, then wipe it with a cloth. 

Next write sweet nothings to your loved one on your new tray and treat them to breakfast in bed.

And hopefully they will reciprocate your kindness and treat you to some heavenly breakfast in bed as well!

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