Monday, September 8, 2014

Teacup Terrariums

Reposted from former blog, Just Add Sparkles.

I hope you are all excited about this post because honestly you should be. That might sound a little cocky but I'm just super excited to share my totally awesome spray painted teacup terrariums.

First lets talk about what you need to create these little beauties.

Your first mission, should you choose to accept it is to find teacups. I was lucky in this aspect because my mother is a garage sale-ing queen. Seriously. I don't know how she does it but she finds amazing gems for cheap. Anyway she found me several teacups for my birthday last year and we made teacup candles. Well I've burned through all of them by now and needed another teacup idea.

Anyway back to your teacup search. Find some.

Just as an FYI teacups that say Made in China are way more common than ones that say Made in England. So if you find a Made in England teacup you scored.

Once you find some pretty little teacups you'll also need some of these BEAUTIFUL succulents.

I went to Wal-Mart to buy these and guess what? They we're half off! Woo. When the Wal-Mart check out guy told me I was ecstatic. Because I'll be honest, I'm OBSESSED. I wanted to buy ALL OF THEM but had to resist because I didn't want to become the equivalent of a crazy cat lady but with succulents. I could see it happening. Crazy succulent lady.

While you're getting your succulents go ahead and buy some of this Cactus, Palm & Citrus soil. And if you happen to buy your plants at Wal-Mart - like I did - you can buy your spray paint too.
These are the colors I used.

So let's get going. Start spray painting your little hearts out. I did about 3 coats of paint on each cup. And although I did feel like the antique gods were frowning down on me for committing such an act, when I saw how they turned out I couldn't be more pleased. (Plus I did spray paint a Made in England teacup so I'm sure that's going to get me 7 years of bad antique luck but I don't even care.)

Before we move on I need to add a disclaimer. I do not have a green thumb. I can't promise what I'm doing with these plants will keep them alive but Noelle has informed me that if you put rocks at the bottom of your cup, before you put in the plant and dirt that it will help with water drainage so your plant won't drown. I didn't do it because it was too late, but you should probably consider it.

Once you're done planting them go ahead and just soak in their awesomeness. Ahh. 

So glad I could share with you guys.

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