Friday, September 26, 2014

Newborn Shoot

We didn't really do much of a newborn photo shoot. While my mom was here we attempted to take pictures of Trey and barely got a handful. (Trey wasn't really cooperating.) Since my recovery was rocky I wasn't really that driven to get pictures - which of course now I regret. I was just too tired or in too much pain to care.

Anyway here are the few we ended up with.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Just Because

Life has obviously been a whirlwind since having Trey. Our lives have changed drastically and I feel like I'm just barely getting used to the adjustment. Which is why I'm finally posting about Trey. Just trying to catch up.

Really I just want to share some more pictures in this post. My mom took a lot while she was in town for his birth and they are definitely share-worthy. (But I think any picture of Trey is worth sharing.)

I love this picture of Trey and his daddy just chillin'.

This was when we put him in the car seat for the first time to take him home from the hospital.

Our house was basically a big party all the time with both of our families visiting. 

Trey was jaundice so they gave us a light that we had to put on him to help get rid of it.

We called him Bionic Baby.

Trey just grilling with his dad.

• • •

And here's a few more pics from the hospital.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Life Since Pregnancy

I just wanted to reflect on life since pregnancy. There are a lot of things I can enjoy again. Like . . .

Skinny Feet & the Existence of Ankles. 
Once my feet returned to their normal size I kept on admiring them and thinking about how good looking my feet are. Seriously, my feet are attractive. And I promise I don't have a foot fetish.

A Normal Bladder.
It was REALLY hard for me to run while pregnant because every time I did I felt like I was going to pee my pants. Just ask Noelle, who ran a 5K with me when I was 20 something weeks pregnant. We had to stop at a gas station during the middle of the race so I could go pee, and that still didn't really help. 

Being Able to Touch (or see) My Toes.
I can now enjoy trimming & painting my toenails, putting on my shoes & shaving my legs. All things that got really difficult towards the end of pregnancy.

Sleeping on my Stomach.
I missed it. And I'm glad I can sleep in whatever position I like now!

Intense Exercise. 
I love exercise. I really do. But working out while I was pregnant was not fun. Activities that used to be really simple became super tough while pregnant. It made me realize how important being in shape is to me because I missed it so much.

Normal Clothes.
No more maternity section! Hallelujah!

And lastly I've gained an appreciation for my pre-pregnancy body. I'm not trying to sound conceited or anything but I had a great body! It's funny how perspective changes things. Back then I could always find fault with myself. But now that I still don't fit back into my pre-pregnancy clothes I would kill to look like that again. 

I guess pregnancy made me appreciate things I totally took for granted. I mean who really thinks about being thankful for being able to touch your toes? :)

Trey's Fan Club

I just wanted to thank everyone that took the time out of their days to come visit us after Trey was born. Because we really enjoyed showing off our boy! Although Aaron admitted later that he would get jealous when other people were holding Trey because he wanted to hog him the whole time. :)

We were very lucky to have both of our families in town. Everyone got to meet Trey when he was fresh from heaven. :)

Here's pictures of our family & a few others with baby Trey . . .

My mom aka Grandma "indie"
(We have Savannah's son, Leo to thank for that name.)

My dad with baby Trey.

My older brother Tag. 
(Trey gets his middle name from Tag, which is short for Taggart.)

My younger sister Taryn & baby Trey.

And my little brother Tanner with sweet Trey.

• • •

Aaron's family came to town a few days after Trey was born but Jake & Lizzy - who live in Utah - were able to visit us in the hospital.

Aaron's younger brother, Uncle Jake.

Aunt Lizzy (Jake's wife)
(Although she's pregnant in these pictures they just had their baby girl on Sept. 7th)

Aaron's dad, Jim with little Trey.

Aaron's Mom, Deena & Trey.

Aaron's younger sister, Janessa with baby Trey.
(We were so glad Janessa got to meet Trey before she left on her LDS mission to Hawaii two weeks after he was born.)

Aaron's youngest brother, Preston with Trey.

This is Aaron's best friend, Steven . . . he's basically family.

• • •

My family's really close friends, Kelli & Mario, were even in town right when Trey was born. Which was awesome because they got to meet him! Plus, Kelli is a midwife so I was able to pick her brain on a few things I felt unsure about.

Kelli & Trey

Mario & Trey

Trey's Birth Story

Thursday, July 31st

10:00am: My contractions started. I was in denial at first that they were contractions because I didn't want to get my hopes up.
1:33pm: I started keeping track of contractions.
(To pass the time I watched Enders Game and The Princess Bride with my mom, and brother's.)
4:00pm: I called Aaron and asked him to come home since the contractions were getting closer together and more uncomfortable.
6:00pm: We arrived at the hospital. They put me in triage to make sure my labor was progressing. When they first checked my dilation I was at a 2. Sadly, after two hours at the hospital I hadn't dilated any more than that. So they sent me home.
WHICH WAS THE WORST THING EVER. A total downer. It was easier to deal with the contractions when I knew they were helping me progress. So when I found out that wasn't the case it made it harder to handle the pain.
8:30pm: We arrived back at home. I got in the bath tub and stayed in there for a loooong time. Aaron made me a "throne of pillows" in the living room for when I was done in the bath. I listened to the relaxation station on pandora radio and kept on draining and refilling the tub to keep the water warm.

Friday, August 1st

1:00am: I finally got out of the tub because the contractions were too painful. I went out into the living room where Aaron was sleeping on the throne of pillows. We worked through the intense contractions together. They were painful and really close together. I was scared to go back into the hospital though because I didn't want to be sent home again.
3:00am: We arrived back at the hospital and I found out that I was dilated to a 4. Which meant I could stay! I wasn't sure whether or not I'd get an epidural but at this point the choice was clear. I was exhausted both emotionally and physically. I thought I would be dilated more, so when I learned I was only at a 4, I knew I still had a long way to go and I needed that epidural.
3:45am: I got the epidural. Hallelujah! It was HEAVENLY. I was filled with relief and enjoyed watching the monitor show me when I was having a contraction and not being able to feel it.
6:30am: I had been dilated to a 5 for a while so the doctor broke my water to speed things up.
7:50am: Breaking my water didn't speed things up so they gave me some pitocin.
8:40am: I was still dilated to a 5.
9:40am: They checked me again and I was still a 5. This was taking forever! But hey, at least I couldn't feel a thing.
11:47am: They checked me again and I was finally dilated to a 7! Wahoo!
1:00-2:00pm: By this point I was tired and I threw up a few times. I was ready to have this baby. As Trey was getting ready to come out I could feel the pressure of him in my lower back. (At this point I was dilated to a 9.) So much pressure that it felt like I had to poo. And we had a conversation that went something like this:

Me: "I feel like I have to poop the biggest poop ever!"
Nurse: "And it's the cutest poop you'll ever have."
Aaron: "We'll keep this one . . . I've never been more excited to have you poop and watch you do it."

Remember were referring to the baby, I'm not actually going to poop. Sorry if that grossed you out but that's just the cold hard truth. :)

2:45pm: Aaron started playing  "Final Countdown"
3:58pm: I finally started pushing! By this time my epidural had worn off so I could feel A LOT. I do think that being able to feel helped me push. Aaron was the best birth coach I could have had. He was my rock and was what got me through it all.
4:40pm: The doctor finally came in. He gave me an episiotomy and all I can say about that is OUCH!
4:51pm: Trey was born! I was so emotionally and physically exhausted, it was such a relief. I remember saying over and over to Aaron, "We did it! We did it!"

Holding my baby in my arms for the first time was pure magic. It truly is amazing how much you can love so instantly. I love that little boy with all my heart and then some.

Trey Taggart Mitchell
8lbs, 3oz & 20 inches

Right after I had Trey I remember saying, "I never, ever want to do this again." And I was serious. Giving birth was the hardest thing I ever had to do. And my recovery was really rough too. It's funny though because now I look back on this experience and think, "eh, it wasn't that bad. I could do it again." And that my friends is how God helps women have more than one baby. ;)

Now it's time to enjoy some pictures. . .