Friday, February 20, 2015

Valentine's Day 2015

This Valentine's Day was pretty crazy for us . . . and I'm the one to blame. It was my year to plan and I planned a very full day. We were so wiped by the end.

I planned a James Bond themed day and left clues/missions for him throughout the day to follow, which ultimately lead him to some presents.

(I get carried away when I get to design stuff. So yes, I made this cool pointless movie poster for the day.)

The first thing we did was go on a bike ride (a "high speed chase").

We got Trey a bike trailer earlier in the week and it was his first bike ride. I didn't think about all the set up that would take. Everything is more difficult and time consuming with a baby. But we finally got out and enjoyed a nice little ride. Then we had a picnic at the end. Aaron obtained the stolen box that the clues were leading to and this was inside . . .

Guys, I realize I'm a crazy person. Yes, I created my own villain - for a silly Valentine's Day scavenger hunt. But you do have to admit, he's pretty awesome, right? Also Aaron didn't get why he's holding a cat. I told him that's what villains do. They stroke their evil cats as they tell their evil plans. IT'S TOTALLY A THING. He had no idea what I was talking about. (Someone please back me up here!) 

Next, after going home and dropping Trey off with my sister Taryn, we went to a shooting range to - you know - shoot stuff. (Plus that's how he earned the "antidote" to cure him from the poison. Which was pink grapefruit soda in a little vile.) 

It was a lot of fun. But I was pretty awful at it - like really bad. We shot a few hand guns and a revolver - I don't know the specifics, ask Aaron if you really care. 

Then we had to come back home so I could nurse Trey (he still doesn't really take a bottle.) And we went back out again to dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory.

It was a fun day but I realized at the end that I went completely overboard and Aaron wouldn't have cared if we just went out to dinner or something. I'm not saying he wasn't appreciative - because he was - but he would have been fine with something way more simple than I made it.

Anyway that's all I have to say about that.

Now for the part that everyone actual cares about. . . pictures of Trey. Taryn got him this adorable onesie that says "Most Eligible Bachelor" and so I had to take some pictures of him in it. Because what crazy over the top mother doesn't do a Valentine's Day photo shoot of their baby?!


  1. What a fun idea for Valentine's day. But that baby is adorable. You will have to keep you eye out on him when he becomes a teenager!

  2. Yes, the cat is a thing (at least on the shows/movies I watch). I love Trey's Valentine photo shoot--but do get distracted by his summo thighs!

  3. 1. evil bad guys + cats is totally a thing.
    2. trey is the cutest little chunk!
