Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Half a Year

My baby is half a year old as of February 1st. And as a gift to me he's been sleeping well since then. (It's only been two nights but I'm crossing my finger this is a more permanent thing.)

It's crazy that he's that old already. But as he has grown he's developed more of a personality that gets more fun with each month. Seriously, he's such a smiley & fun baby. That doesn't mean he's an angel child but he's got spirit! 

So as usual I took his 6 month pictures. And here they are....

The title of this one should be "chins" :)

It's getting hard to pose him with his kangaroo stuffed animal because he just wants to stick it in his mouth!

We took these on Sunday so Aaron was home to help. He was the one doing "peek-a-boo" and other shenanigans to get Trey to smile. Anyway we got some father-son pictures too. 

And then they did their tricks. . . Super Baby!

Speaking of tricks...

Then I caught this moment -

In other Trey news he got his first tooth! It's on the bottom and it's sharp! And yes, I have been the victim of a few Trey biting attacks. *ouch*

To keep busy we go for walks now that the weather is nicer and we play on the swings.

Although he can't crawl he's always after things. He moves around by rolling and scooting. The baby monitor that we use is an app, so we leave the iPad in his crib and can see him on our phones. But now he can seem to get to anything that's semi-close to him. As you can see we can no longer leave the iPad in the crib. . . 

And sometimes we go to Target together. Here's the progression of our latest trip. 

We sure do love and adore this little guy of ours!


  1. Cute! My opinion is that they get more fun every month. My daughter is 2 now and it's my favorite age so far!

    --Josie (Newell) Ladle

  2. Time for me to take another trip to get some Trey snuggles!

  3. That ipad picture is hilarious! Trey baby is the cutest.
