Saturday, October 18, 2014

Trey & His Daddy

There are some people who say Trey looks exactly like his dad. They can totally tell that he's Aaron's boy. Then there are some who say the opposite, that Trey looks like me. And then there are some who can't tell who he looks more like. I'm in the last group. I don't look at him and see predominately either myself or Aaron. What I do know for sure is that somehow we made one unbelievably cute kid. And I don't think that's just my mother bias talking. :)

Honestly though, if Trey turns out anything like his dad then I say we did a pretty good job at raising him.

Doesn't your heart just melt when you see your husband snuggled up with your baby? Mine does. Every single time. There is something so magical about it. Seeing Aaron as a father makes me love him so much more, and I didn't think it was possible to love him more than I already did. 


Sorry for the mushy post but since having a baby I've become a million times more emotional. Seriously, the other day we were watching Disney's Brother Bear and I was a mess. It's embarrassing but true.

• • • 

This is completely unrelated to my post, but this picture was the first time I captured Trey's smile on camera. What a ham.

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