Monday, October 27, 2014

Lyla Mae

It's so great to have cousins close in age to you. I had at least one cousin on each side within a year or two of me. You always had someone to play with a family gatherings. So although Trey is the oldest grandchild on both sides of the family he won't be alone on the Mitchell side. Trey's cousin Lyla was born 5 weeks after him. They'll probably end up being "cousin crushes" which apparently is a thing according to the Mitchell boys. . . weirdos. ;)

Anyway meet Lyla Mae Mitchell. 
Born on September 7th, 2014
8lbs 10oz & 20 inches long

The proud parents, Jake & Lizzy with their little angel just fresh from heaven!

Lyla was really alert for a newborn. Her eyes were open a lot, which was surprising to me. That was not the case with Trey.

She's a little sweetheart. Now she's a few weeks away from being two months old. And she's a pretty calm baby. She likes to just lounge and doesn't cry a lot, she mostly just grunts. Of course I am comparing her to Trey who likes to always be moving and has a good set of lungs. 

• • •

These pictures of Trey and Lyla were taken a few weeks after she was born. They're the cutest.

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